What Guests Are Looking For When They Research Your Hotel Reviews

Guests are always looking for the best place to stay during their trip. Nothing defines a hotel better than guest feedback, specifically guest reviews. When guests research your hotel, they will look for several critical characteristics of your online reviews. You must be aware of these aspects to give your audience accurate information. The significance of review response can not be overstated.
Positive Guest Reviews
People want to know what makes your hotel unique and different from your competitors. The best place to find that answer is through online reviews. Guest reviews are primary sources of information and provide a first-hand account of the authentic traveler experience at your property. Guests are looking for step-by-step details that will tell them what they can look forward to when visiting your property.
How You Respond To Negative Reviews
It is common for a hotel to have negative reviews like any other business. However, you will want to respond appropriately to every negative review about your hotel. Guests are very understanding. They know that you will have a few negative reviews online. Guests are more interested in what you have to say in your response and how you handle the criticism. Ensure you include enough information and a professional explanation in your reply. Doing so will show the public that you know what is being said about your hotel online.
How Frequently You Respond
It is not enough to simply respond to reviews once or twice, you must reply daily. When guests research, they like to see the most recent reviews, not something from a year ago. As a hotelier, it is required that you maintain communication with your audience. As a result, you will always know what your guests say about your hotel and stay in the loop. An excellent way to accomplish this is by setting aside time daily to write review responses.
Review Quantity
Another thing guests look for when they research your hotel is the total number of reviews written about your property. If a hotel only has a couple of reviews, it will appear as though your hotel is not a good candidate to stay at during their trip. Guests like to know that many people visit your establishment and enjoy themselves. Ensure you are encouraging guests to write reviews on your hotel as well. You can influence guests to write reviews by offering discounts for their next visit, or you can give them coupons to restaurants in the local area for them to use during their stay.
You’re Not Alone
Responding to reviews is very time-consuming, but it is a necessary process. It is something that requires dedicated time. People from all around the world will be researching your hotel. The goal is to make a great first impression on every person who comes across your hotel online. Travel Media Group offers an industry-leading Respond & Resolve™ solution that helps you achieve that goal. Let us give your review responses the time and attention it deserves so that you can return to your on-property hotel operations.