Hotel Marketing Resources

Using Social Media to Satisfy Travelers’ Search Needs

by | September 1, 2020 | Hotel Marketing Resources, Social Media for Hotels

Frequently reviewing your content marketing strategy helps hotels stay ahead of the competition. That is one of the reasons the Travel Media Group social team continuously reviews the content we create for hoteliers to ensure it’s relevant and meets the needs of future guests. Our custom content often touches on the six different consumer search […]

Email Marketing Best Practices for Hotels [White Paper Download]

by | August 28, 2020 | Hotel Marketing Resources

Email is a powerful tool for hoteliers to utilize in both getting feedback from and advertising new deals to potential guests. Customers want to hear from businesses about the latest deals and property updates, and for businesses, sending mass marketing messages through email is a convenient and effective method to get information directly to the […]

How to Discover Content & Delight Guests on Social Media [Webinar]

by | August 27, 2020 | Hotel Marketing Resources

 When it comes to social media, it’s no secret that content is king. The more engaging content you create and share, the more influence you have online. Yet, one of the most frequently asked questions we hear from hoteliers remains: “What should I post on my hotel’s social media pages?” Let’s explore how to […]

Using Review Response to Satisfy Traveler Needs

by | August 21, 2020 | Hotel Marketing Resources

Our most recent white paper discusses having a dynamic marketing strategy, and how understanding your travelers’ explicit needs results in a more promising conversion rate. There are a variety of methods hoteliers can take to assure that traveler needs can be met through marketing: through information displayed on their website, through pictures, or through social […]

The Reduced Power of Online Travel Sites

by | August 17, 2020 | Hotel Marketing Resources

When states first entered lockdown, hospitality industry experts began to notice an interesting trend: online travel agencies (OTAs) were falling away from the top of search results for guests seeking hotel nights. As we moved into April and May, Comscore’s data showed that the visitors going to a hotel’s direct website tallied higher than those going […]

The Impact of Going Remote on Business and Leisure Travel

by | August 10, 2020 | Hotel Marketing Resources

The hospitality industry has shown signs of recovery in many areas since the start of the pandemic, but one area that continues to struggle is business travel. The abrupt halt contributed to losses due to cancelled conference events and businesses no longer sending employees out to cities for specific projects. The loss of room nights […]