Online Marketing for Hotels

The holiday season is busy for everyone, but especially for hoteliers trying to capture business to make up for the lull from the early fall. However, the holidays also tend to sneak up on us, and establishing a solid marketing plan for the holiday season is imperative to success. One element of your strategy this […]

After Labor Day with signs of fall arriving, hoteliers’ concerns have shifted to one major topic: how to handle the diminishing demand for mid-week hotel stays. A recent interview on Travel Media Group’s podcast The Suite Spot hosted Jan Freitag, senior analyst at STR, who called this very concern “the billion-dollar question.” He cited further […]

Even before the coronavirus pandemic throttled the globe, credit card companies and retailers were beginning to make the shift toward contactless payments following the success of Apple Pay and Google Pay. That process was expedited, and even now hoteliers are being encouraged to make contactless payment at check-in a reality for the safety of guests […]

As many states approach the start of the school year, parents are making a vital decision about whether to send their students back to school. In order to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, many schools are offering parents the option to allow their children to study virtually. If parents choose to keep their kids […]

There has been a lot of discussion from the beginning of the current global health crisis about what hoteliers need to do to weather the storm and keep revenue flowing – mostly through maintaining stable marketing efforts and managing their hotel’s online presence. However, many hoteliers are facing challenges at the property level due to […]

So you’ve started using UTM codes. Now what? Google Analytics provides helpful reporting so you can see exactly which links were successful, informing your future marketing strategy. For instance, let’s say that you were able to find that a lot of people clicked on your email banner and converted to sales, but very few clicked […]