Social Media Post Ideas for Hotels Near Recreational Destinations Travelers come from all over the country to visit recreation destinations to experience nature and get outdoors. According to the Adventure Travel Trade Association, between 2009 and 2013, adventure...
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that is so true when it comes to marketing your hotel! We already know that online reviews impact bookings, but how do the images on a hotel listing do the same? Check out these helpful tips for including photos in...
Think travelers are the only people looking at reviews? Guess again. Brands are going to be constantly looking at your reviews and will use it as a basis for retaining or removing you from the network. Don’t be surprised if it also a factor in financial and fee...
Travelers are adopting mobile devices at a staggering pace. Mobile is here and it is time to jump on the bandwagon if you are not already there. That does not mean that each property needs its own app. For most properties, the time and expense simply can’t be...
More than ever potential guests are searching for rich media content to help them make travel decisions. This is your chance to connect with your customers on a personal level. Don’t let videos of your hotel get lost in the SERP shuffle. Follow these steps below...