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Social Media Strategy – Creating the Right Plan for Your Hotel

What is a Strategy? A social media strategy is a meticulously crafted plan that outlines how a company will leverage various social media platforms for its specific goals. This strategy involves setting clear objectives, choosing appropriate platforms, creating...

Golden Opportunities: Using Social Media to Market Your Hotel

In an age where social media has evolved from solely being experience-sharing platforms to being the source of all information, companies can no longer deny the importance of having an online presence. Consumers tend to trust the legitimacy and relevance of a brand if...

Putting the Guest First: Crafting Exceptional Responses to Your Hotel’s Online Reviews [Webinar]

  A meaningful strategy for responding to reviews is critical for hoteliers and their properties. Over time, this strategy has evolved from being a nice-to-have to a must-have. But how exactly do you make sure you are responding appropriately and correctly? This...