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104 – TMG Hospitality Trailblazers: Thomas Magnuson

*DISCLAIMER* Thank you for listening to the Suite Spot. During episode 104, you will hear slight audio distortion due to a disrupted signal connection at the time of recording. We apologize in advance and hope you enjoy the episode. Host and Marketing Director Ryan...

How To Prepare Your Hotel for Economic Uncertainty

When industry experts forecast an unfavorable economic climate looming, it is normal for businesses in the hospitality industry to generate concern. When hearing this news, hoteliers often feel apprehensive and take many precautions at the property level. Management...

The Best Ways to Interact with Guests on Social Media

Having a social media presence is common knowledge for hotels these days. However, what’s not common knowledge is how to connect with guests via social media platforms successfully. This challenge becomes even more difficult as new social media applications...

The Main 4 Objectives of Responding to Online Guest Reviews

You may wonder why responding to online guest reviews is so important as a hotelier. Responding to guest reviews not only builds your online reputation but also does much more. Review response writing is an excellent exercise to practice. When you do it enough, the...

The Scary Consequences of Ghosting Your Online Guest Reviews

Halloween is not the only frightful thing happening this month. The repercussions of abandoning your online guest reviews are even more haunting. The hospitality industry is thriving and healthy, which means hoteliers can expect an ample supply of online guest...